General Terms & Conditions
1. Area of Validity
These General Terms and Conditions apply to the conclusion of contracts for participation in events offered/organised by Lorna Ritchie as well as for booked mediation and coaching sessions. Customers are natural persons who are not acting in the exercise of a self-employed or commercial activity, as well as natural or legal persons who become contractual partners of Lorna Ritchie in the exercise of a commercial activity. Any general terms and conditions of the contractual partner shall not become part of the contract even if Lorna Ritchie does not expressly object to them.
2. Registration
Customers declare their intention to enter into a binding contract by registering via the online form, sending an e-mail or making a booking in the online calendar (Calendly). The contract is concluded when the booking has been confirmed by Lorna Ritchie’s booking system online or by e-mail.
3. Terms of payment and cancellation
Coaching and mediation: Services rendered are generally due for payment within 14 days of receipt of the invoice without any deductions.
For coaching or mediation booked via the online calendar (Calendly), a cancellation 48 hours before the booked appointment is considered timely. In the event of cancellation after this time, the service is deemed to have been provided and will be invoiced.
For live coaching or mediation sessions, the cancellation deadline is one week before the scheduled appointment. After this time, the service will be invoiced.
Training courses: Participation fees are generally due upon receipt of the invoice without any deductions. If payment is not made when registering for a training course at least two weeks before the start of the first date of the training course, the participant is automatically in default. Lorna Ritchie is then entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 5% above the base rate. Payment by instalments is possible in individual cases and can be arranged personally and in writing as soon as registration is made.
Cancellation of a trainings course is only effective if it is made in writing. If participation in a training course is cancelled up to 6 weeks before the start of the course, a processing fee of 10% of the respective participation fee will be charged. In the event of cancellation up to 4 weeks before the start of the event, the processing fee is 50% of the respective participation fee. If the cancellation is made at a later date, the entire participation fee is due.
If a participant cannot participate in one or more days of a training course lasting several months for an important reason, he/she has the possibility to make up for this content in a later training course, provided that the content is taught in later training courses. This does not give rise to a right to a refund of amounts paid.
4. Cancellation
Customers have the right to cancel their registration for training or the training programme within fourteen days without giving reasons. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the date of registration. In order to exercise the right of cancellation, the customer must inform Lorna Ritchie (Lorna Ritchie, Goethestr.72, D-10625 Berlin, E-Mail: kontakt(@) by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail) of the decision to cancel the registration. To comply with the cancellation period, it is sufficient to send notification of the exercise of the right of cancellation before the expiry of the cancellation period.
If an event starts before the end of the cancellation period, the participant must pay an appropriate amount. This corresponds to the proportion of the service already provided up to the time of receipt of the notice of cancellation compared to the total scope of the service provided for in the contract. For one-day seminars, this is the total amount.
5. Participation fees
The amount of the fees depends on the application. All prices are subject to VAT, if the service is not exempt from VAT. Participants must bear the costs of meals and any necessary overnight accommodation themselves, unless these are expressly included in the seminar fees (e.g. for residential training).
6. Changes to events
The events will be held according to the published programme. However, Lorna Ritchie reserves the right to change lecturers, co-trainers or assistants and reschedule dates or change individual points in the programme in the case of training courses lasting several months.
7. Liability
If an event has to be cancelled for reasons for which Lorna Ritchie is responsible, any fees paid will be refunded. Further claims are excluded. Lorna Ritchie shall only be liable for property damage and financial loss for which it is responsible in the event of wilful intent or gross negligence.
8. Copyrights
The training documents handed out to participants (including flipchart designs) are protected by copyright. They are exclusively for personal use. Reproduction, forwarding or other use of the training documents is only permitted with the express written consent of Lorna Ritchie.
9. Place of performance and jurisdiction
Unless a different venue is expressly stated, the place of fulfilment is the registered office of Lorna Ritchie in Berlin. The place of jurisdiction is Berlin.
10. Data protection
Our data protection guidelines are a binding part of the general terms and conditions. We collect and process personal data according to the EU dat protection guidelines (Datenschutzgrundverordnung).
11. Written Form Requirement, Place of Jurisdiction, Severability Clause
The teaching agreement must be in writing. Amendments, changes or any other agreements made verbally also require written confirmation before becoming effective. Exclusive jurisdiction is in Berlin, Germany. Shall one of these general terms and conditions be or become invalid or should there be a gap in the general terms and conditions which has to be filled, this shall not affect the effectiveness of any other provision. In such a case the parties undertake to commence negotiations with the aim of replacing any invalid provision with a provision that comes as close as possible to achieve what the parties from the commercial point of view intended to achieve by means of the original provision.
Status: 25. Oktober 2023