Lorna Ritchie is a trainer for non-violent communication, coach and mediator. Lorna Ritchie is an experienced coach, mediator and trainer for nonviolent communication (NVC). With over 30 years of experience, she promotes healthy communication in relationships and contributes to all who work with her in living an easy, effective and joyful life.
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HR management, IT industry
Director, European Commission DG Research & Innovation Prosperity
HR Director, Semasio
Psychologist M.A., VIA Training and Qualiication centre, Programme Coordinator, Kompetenzverbund Soziales und Gesundheit Berlin
Leading Creative Therapist, Heiligenfeld Klinik Berlin
CEO, Samaritans Schwerin
Director of a Kindergarten Berlin, KiB gGmbH
Building Commisioner of the Protestant Church in Berlin
M.A. (Cantab.), Former Senior Interpreter NATO HQ, Certified Trainer for Nonviolent Communication SM
Director of the Telefonseelsorge (crisis line) Berlin
Department Director Behindertenhilfe, Unionhilfswerk Sozialeinrichtungen gGmbH, Berlin
GFK Trainer
Gestalt teacher, Montessori-teacher, Freiburg
NVC Trainer
Certified trainer for nonviolent communication CNVC
Expert for pensions, Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund, Berlin
Advocate for voice hearers, Trainer of mental health care staff
Dipl.-Ing, manager of a medium-sized business
Director, Kindergarten im Gemeindehaus der Luisenkirche
Head of Division, The Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Climate Protection (MLUK) Potsdam
Manager, VLS GmbH